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"Judge Paul Ridgeway has proven himself to be a fair and honest judge who works very hard to follow the law and do justice to everyone who comes into his court in every case. He is respectful and patient with all parties and lets them know that the courts are there to do justice to all. He is an excellent judge and I am proud to support him."

Burley Mitchell

Former Chief Justice, NC Supreme Court

"Judge Paul Ridgeway uses his experience on the bench to apply the law with intelligence, fairness and respect to all.  He daily improves the integrity of our legal system by his professionalism, making our courts more effective and just."

Linda McGee

Former Chief Judge, NC Court of Appeals

“Judge Paul Ridgeway is the perfect example of what we want all our Judges to be – fair, honest, smart and courteous. From having appeared in his Court, I have seen first hand his skillful and diligent handling of difficult and complex cases. We need his experience and thoughtful judgement in our Courts now more than ever. I am grateful he is seeking another term and I fully support him.”

Colon Willoughby

Partner, McQuire Woods

Former Wake County District Attorney

“Paul Ridgeway’s professionalism, intelligence and grace are models of what we all want from a fair and just judiciary. There is no one better suited to instill confidence in our court system than Judge Ridgeway.” 

Deonte’ L. Thomas

Chief Public Defender, Wake County

"We need our best people on the bench. There is no doubt about this. And there is no doubt that Paul Ridgeway is one of our very best people. He has the temperament, the intellect and the integrity to serve as one of our Judges. We are so lucky to have him."

Wade Smith, Partner

Tharrington Smith, LLP

"I have appeared in front of Judge Ridgeway on numerous occasions – sometimes successfully – sometimes not – but I have consistently been impressed with his fairness, thoroughness and professionalism. He is considered to be one of the finest trial judges in our state. I am pleased to enthusiastically endorse his re-election to the Superior Court."

Robert F. Orr

Former Justice, NC Supreme Court

“Judge Ridgeway is a smart, conscientious, honest and hardworking judge. This description applies no matter what side you are representing. You may not always agree with his rulings, but you know he made an educated, thoughtful and considered decision.  He takes his position and oath as a judge seriously. In an age in which partisanship, power and politics often get in the way of justice, Wake County and the State of North Carolina are lucky to have a judge who puts his duty first. I fully endorse Judge Ridgeway as he seeks another term."

Joseph B. Cheshire V, Partner

Cheshire Parker Schneider, PLLC

"Paul is highly respected by attorneys representing both plaintiffs and defendants. He treats everyone in his courtroom fairly and courteously."

Bonnie Weyher, Past President

North Carolina State Bar

“Judge Paul Ridgeway is deeply committed to his oath to administer justice faithfully and impartially. He is inherently fair. He is impervious to outside influence and he has a well-established record of following the law and doing what is right.  He ensures everyone appearing before him is treated fairly and has a level playing field.  His integrity, objectivity and knowledge of the law are unsurpassed and he is widely recognized as one of the best– if not the best – trial judges in the State.  We are so fortunate to have a person of Judge Paul Ridgeway’s character and intellect on the bench, and I fully support his re-election.”

John M. McCabe, Partner

Law Offices of John McCabe

President, NC Advocates for Justice

"Paul Ridgeway is intelligent, curious, wise, fair and courteous to all those who appear before him. Those of us interested in the equal administration of justice could not expect or hope for better qualities in a judge."

Brad Bannon, Partner

Patterson Harkavy, LLP

"Rarely have we had the opportunity to place a more competent and qualified Judge on the Superior Court Bench. As a Judge, Paul Ridgeway has always conducted himself with the highest standards of professional conduct and has exercised his judicial functions with integrity, impartiality and independence.  Without reservation, I support Judge Paul Ridgeway’s re-election. I feel confident that he will continue to inspire trust and confidence in the judiciary and will continue to treat all those who appear before him with courtesy, dignity and respect."  

Alan M. Schneider, Partner

Cheshire Parker Schneider, PLLC

"Judge Ridgeway is hard working, even tempered, fair and intelligent and represents what all judges should aspire to be."

Catharine Arrowood, Partner

Parker Poe

“Paul Ridgeway is a skilled  judge and I strongly support his re-election. His years in private law practice give him a broad understanding of the law, which he applies accurately and fairly. Given the power invested in our State’s Superior Court, it is important to have Paul’s character, judgment and common sense on the bench.”

Ed Turlington, Partner

Brooks Pierce

"Judge Ridgway is of the highest character and is one of the finest judges in the state."

Melissa Essary

Former Dean & Professor of Law

“Judge Ridgeway is an extraordinary Judge and an amazing mentor to many people. During my time in law school, Judge Ridgeway was a mentor who was intentional about guiding me through my time as a law student and sharing dozens of transformative conversations over coffee. This culminated into one of the greatest full-circle moments of my life – being sworn-in as an Attorney in North Carolina by one of my heroes. I am eternally thankful for Judge Ridgeway’s mentorship.” 

Nichad Davis

Attorney, Ward Black Law

Campbell Law, Class of ‘19

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